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匹配条件: “ Ana Maria Marques da;Silva Júnior” ,找到相关结果约528317条。
Ambiente colaborativo para forma??o de pessoal em medicina nuclear
Brambilla, Cláudia Régio;Dalpiaz, Gabriel Goulart;Silva, Ana Maria Marques da;Silva Júnior, Neivo da;Giraffa, Lucia Maria Martins;Ferreto, Tiago Coelho;De Rose, Cesar Augusto Fonticielha;Silva, Vinicius Duval da;
Radiologia Brasileira , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-39842011000300011
Abstract: objective: to validate the proposal for development of a virtual collaborative environment for training of nuclear medicine personnel. materials and methods: organizational assumptions, constraints and functionalities that should be offered to the professionals in this field were raised early in the development of the environment. the prototype was developed in the moodle environment, including data storage and interaction functionalities. a pilot interaction study was developed with a sample of specialists in nuclear medicine. users' opinions collected by means of semi-structured questionnaire were submitted to quantitative and content analysis. results: the proposal of a collaborative environment was validated by a community of nuclear medicine professionals and considered as an aid in the training in this field. suggestions for improvements and new functionalities were made. there is a need to establish a program for education of moderators specifically for this environment, considering the different interaction characteristics as the online and conventional teaching methods are compared. conclusion: the collaborative environment will allow the exchange of experiences and case discussions among professionals from institutions located in different regions all over the country, enhancing the collaboration among them. thus, the environment can contribute in the early and continued education of nuclear medicine professionals.
HLA-B*44 Is Associated with Dengue Severity Caused by DENV-3 in a Brazilian Population
Liciana Xavier Eurico de Alencar,Ulisses de Mendon?a Braga-Neto,Eduardo José Moura do Nascimento,Marli Tenório Cordeiro,Ana Maria Silva,Carlos Alexandre Antunes de Brito,Maria da Paz Carvalho da Silva,Laura Helena Vega Gonzales Gil,Silvia Maria Lucena Montenegro,Ernesto Torres de Azevedo Marques Júnior
Journal of Tropical Medicine , 2013, DOI: 10.1155/2013/648475
Abstract: Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles have been correlated with susceptibility or resistance to severe dengue; however, few immunogenetic studies have been performed in Latin American (LA) populations. We have conducted immunogenetic studies of HLA class I and II alleles in a cohort of 187 patients with DENV-3 infection and confirmed clinical diagnosis of either severe dengue, known as dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), or the less severe form, dengue fever (DF), in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. An association analysis was performed using Fisher’s association test, with odds ratios (ORs) calculated using conditional maximum likelihood estimates. HLA-B*44 ( , OR = 2.025, 95% CI = 0.97–4.24) was found to be associated with increased susceptibility to DHF in response to DENV-3 infection. In addition, HLA-B*07 ( , OR = 0.501, one-sided 95% CI = 0–0.99) and HLA-DR*13 ( , OR = 0.511, one-sided 95% CI = 0–0.91) were found to be associated with resistance to secondary dengue infection by DENV-3. These results suggest that HLA-B*44 supertype alleles and their respective T-cell responses might be involved in susceptibility to severe dengue infections, whereas the HLA-B*07 supertype alleles and DR*13 might be involved in cross-dengue serotype immunity. 1. Introduction Dengue virus (DENV) has four serotypes, named as DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4. The majority of dengue infections are subclinical; however, the clinical manifestations of dengue infection range from the benign, self-limited dengue fever (DF) to a vasculopathy syndrome known as dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) that can lead to hypovolemic dengue shock syndrome (DSS). It is often observed in epidemiological studies that the more severe illness occurs more frequently in secondary heterotypic dengue infection [1–7]. There are two main hypotheses to explain the higher frequency of DHF in secondary infections. The first is that heterotypic antibodies would bind to the dengue virus and would facilitate the viral entry into cells expressing Fc receptors; this theory is known as antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) [8, 9]. The second hypothesis is that anti-dengue memory T cells that cross-react with related but altered peptide epitopes would induce the T cells to produce abnormal levels of cytokines leading to vasculopathy. This theory is known as “original antigenic sin” (OAS) or “altered peptide ligand” (APL). The theories are not mutually exclusive, and both are based on the fact that previous dengue infection is a risk factor for developing more severe disease. However, 99% or more of the secondary dengue
Modelos de neovasculariza??o corneana em coelhos: análise morfológica
Parente, Daniel Ramos;Silva, Maria Rosa Bet de Moraes;Silva Júnior, Raimundo Ger?nimo da;Marques, Mariangela de Alencar;
Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia , 2003, DOI: 10.1590/S0004-27492003000500021
Abstract: purpose: to compare three experimental models of limbal stem cell (sc) removal in rabbits in relation to morphologic aspects. methods: in the present study, 54 rabbits (108 eyes) were divided into 3 experimental groups - (g1), (g2) and (g3). each group consisted of 18 rabbits whose left eyes were submitted to 3 different experimental techniques - (t1), (t2) and (t3), respectively. a control group was formed with the 54 remaining eyes (re) of the g1, g2 and g3 rabbits. four morphological parameters were assessed: epithelium, inflammatory response, vascularization and fibroblastic response. results: the limbal epithelium was not completely removed by t1, was almost totally removed by t2, and thoroughly removed by t3. corneal surface was healed by conjunctival phenotype (conjunctivalization) in the three groups. goblet cells started to appear on days 14 and their density peaked on day 28. the inflammatory response was more intense in g3 than in g1 and g2. regression was faster in g1 and similar in g2 and g3 contributing to corneal opacity specially on days 14 and 28. it was mainly concentrated at the stromal anterior half, whereas the posterior half was spared. it peaked on day 28 and decreased from that moment on. in the beginning, it was characterized by a predominantly polymorphonuclear infiltrate, which, on day 56, changed to mononuclear. the new vessels started appearing on days 7. at first, they permeated the stromal upper half and progressed toward the surface as the stromal edema decreased. in the three groups, at the end of the experiment, vascularization was superficial in the stroma; but no thick sclerotic-fibrous tissue nor actual scars, distinct from the corneal stroma, were formed. conclusions: conjunctivalization and neovascularization occurred in all experimental models. t2 and t3 seemed to be adequate models for the removal of limbal sc and most studied parameters showed similar results. t1 was found to be an adequate model for the partial-thickness re
Modelos experimentais de deficiência limbar em coelhos: análise clínica
Parente, Daniel Ramos;Silva, Maria Rosa Bet de Moraes;Silva Júnior, Raimundo Ger?nimo da;Marques, Mariangela de Alencar;
Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia , 2002, DOI: 10.1590/S0004-27492002000200002
Abstract: purpose: to compare the clinical aspects of three experimental models of limbal stem cell (sc) deficiency in rabbits. methods: in the present study, 54 rabbits (108 eyes) were divided into 3 experimental groups - (g1), (g2) and (g3). each group consisted of 18 rabbits. the left eyes were submitted to 3 different experimental techniques - (t1), (t2) and (t3), respectively. a control group was formed with the 54 remaining eyes (re). in all 3 techniques n-heptanol was used. in t1, the epithelium was removed by applying n-heptanol for 5 minutes. in t2, the n-heptanol application was followed by a 360o conjunctival peritomy at 4 mm beyond the limbus and scraping of the episcleral tissue. in t3, besides the procedure followed in t2, a lamellar dissection towards the limbus was performed, including 1.5 mm of the peripheral cornea and 2 mm of the scleral surface. six clinical parameters of the corneas were studied: neovascularization, opacity, surface irregularity, epithelial wound healing, epithelial erosion, presence of granuloma and other injuries. results: corneal neovascularization started earlier in g1 and g2. it occurred heterogeneously, ranging from mild to intense, in 100% of the cases. it remained stable from the 28th day up to the end of the experiment (56th day). it was more intense in the upper and lower corneal quadrants and less intense in the nasal and temporal quadrants. corneal opacity and irregularity of the corneal surface were less intense in g1 than in g2 and g3, which were similar. reepithelialization started after a 3-day latency period in all the animals submitted to the three experimental techniques and was complete on day 7 in g1 and day 14 in g2 and g3. the rate of occurrence of corneal epithelial erosion and corneal stromal granuloma were similar in the 3 groups. conclusions: t2 and t3 seemed to be suitable experimental models for total limbal stem cell deficiency and most of the parameters showed similar results. t1 was found to be an appropria
Modelos experimentais de deficiência limbar em coelhos: análise clínica
Parente Daniel Ramos,Silva Maria Rosa Bet de Moraes,Silva Júnior Raimundo Ger?nimo da,Marques Mariangela de Alencar
Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia , 2002,
Abstract: Objetivo: Comparar em coelhos três modelos experimentais de destrui o das células germinativas (CG) do limbo corneano quanto a aspectos clínicos. Métodos: Foram utilizados 54 coelhos, 108 olhos, subdivididos em 3 grupos experimentais: (G1), (G2) e (G3), cada um formado pelos OE de 18 coelhos, submetidos às técnicas experimentais (T1), (T2) e (T3), respectivamente, e um grupo controle, formado pelos 54 olhos contralaterais (OD). Nas três técnicas foi utilizado o n-heptanol. Na T1, o n-heptanol foi aplicado por 5 minutos, para remo o do epitélio límbico. Na T2, além da aplica o do n-heptanol, realizou-se peritomia e remo o da conjuntiva perilímbica até 4 mm do limbo, juntamente com a escarifica o do tecido episcleral. Na T3, além dos procedimentos da T2, foi realizada dissec o lamelar do limbo abrangendo aproximadamente 1,5 mm na periferia da córnea e 2 mm na superfície escleral. Em todas as córneas dos animais foram estudados seis parametros clínicos: neovasculariza o, perda da transparência, irregularidade da superfície, repara o epitelial, eros o ou defeito epitelial, granuloma e outras les es corneanas. Resultados: A neovasculariza o corneana iniciou-se mais precocemente com a T1 e T2; ocorreu em 100% dos casos com as três técnicas, de forma n o homogênea, variando de leve a intensa; permaneceu estável a partir do 28o dia até o final do experimento (56o dia), foi maior nos quadrantes superior e inferior e menor nos quadrantes nasal e temporal. A perda da transparência e a irregularidade da superfície corneana foram menores com a T1 que com a T2 e T3, que foram similares entre si. Houve, nas três técnicas experimentais, latência de três dias para o início da reepiteliza o, que se completou com a T1 no 7o dia e com a T2 e T3 no 14o dia. Eros o epitelial corneana e granuloma corneano foram encontradas de forma similar nas três técnicas experimentais. Conclus es: A T2 e T3 mostraram-se adequadas como possíveis modelos de ampla remo o das CG límbicas, levando a resultados similares nos diversos parametros estudados. A T1 se mostrou adequada como modelo de remo o parcial do epitélio límbico. Ocorreu conjuntivaliza o e neovasculariza o nas três técnicas experimentais.
Modelos de neovasculariza o corneana em coelhos: análise morfológica
Parente Daniel Ramos,Silva Maria Rosa Bet de Moraes,Silva Júnior Raimundo Ger?nimo da,Marques Mariangela de Alencar
Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia , 2003,
Abstract: OBJETIVOS: Comparar em coelhos três modelos experimentais de destrui o das células germinativas (CG) do limbo corneano quanto a aspectos morfológicos. MéTODOS: Foram utilizados 54 coelhos, 108 olhos, subdivididos em 3 grupos experimentais: (G1), (G2) e (G3), formados por 18 coelhos cada, que tiveram o OE submetido às técnicas experimentais (T1), (T2) e (T3), respectivamente, e um grupo controle, formado por 54 olhos contralaterais (OD) dos coelhos do G1, G2 e G3. Quatro parametros morfológicos foram estudados: epitélio, resposta inflamatória, vasculariza o e resposta fibroblástica. RESULTADOS: Com a T1 n o houve remo o da totalidade do epitélio límbico, com a T2 houve remo o da quase totalidade do epitélio límbico, com a T3 houve remo o da totalidade do epitélio límbico. A repara o da superfície corneana foi feita por epitélio de fenótipo conjuntival (conjuntivaliza o) com as três técnicas, havendo aparecimento de células caliciformes a partir do 14masculine dia, sendo a densidade maior no 28masculine dia. A resposta inflamatória com a T3 foi mais intensa que com a T1 e T2. A regress o foi mais rápida com a T1 e similar com a T2 e T3. Contribuiu para a turva o corneana principalmente no 14masculine e 28masculine dia, concentrando-se, principalmente, na metade estromal anterior, sendo poupada a metade posterior. Foi maior até o 28masculine dia, decrescendo a partir desse momento. Caracterizou-se, no início, por infiltrado com predomínio de polimorfonucleares e sofreu mudan a no 56masculine dia para infiltrado com predomínio de mononucleares. Os neovasos apareceram a partir do 7masculine dia, a princípio permearam o estroma do ter o médio para cima, progredindo para a superficializa o com a regress o do edema estromal. A vasculariza o com as três técnicas, ao final do experimento, foi superficial no estroma, porém n o houve a forma o de tecido fibro-escleroso denso ou cicatriz propriamente dita distinta do estroma corneano. CONCLUS ES: Ocorreu conjuntivaliza o e neovasculariza o nas três técnicas experimentais. As T2 e T3 mostraram-se adequadas como possíveis modelos de ampla remo o das CG límbicas, levando a resultados similares nos diversos parametros estudados. A T1 se mostrou adequada como modelo de remo o parcial do epitélio límbico.
Avalia??o da eficiência de extra??o de compostos nitrogenados da polpa de anchoíta (Engraulis anchoita)
Furlan, Valcenir Júnior Mendes;Silva, Ana Paula Rosa da;Queiroz, Maria Isabel;
Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0101-20612009000400021
Abstract: the objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of the nitrogen compounds extraction like soluble proteins (sp), total nitrogen (tn), non protein nitrogen (npn), and nitrogen protein (np) from the anchovy pulp (engraulis anchoita), as well to investigate their proximal composition and freshness alteration based on the capture place. the anchovy pulp was submitted to nitrogen extraction treatment using nahco3 (0.1; 0.2; 0.3 and 0.5%), nacl 0.3% as solutions and distilled water. the pulp washing cycles using 0.1% nahco3, two cycles of distilled water, and one of nacl 0.3% demonstrated improved efficiency in the extraction of the nitrogenous compounds and sarcoplasmatic proteins. concerning the determination of the proximal composition, the anchovy in natura showed moisture content 77.2%, protein 16.8%, lipids 3.4%, and ash 2.4% and the values for the anchovy pulp were moisture 78.1%, protein 17.5%, lipids 2.4% and ash 2%. the freshness evaluation was accomplished through ph, total volatile bases (n-bvt), and trimethylamine (n-tma) and they were found 6.3; 11.5 mg.100 g-1 and 2.8 mg.100 g-1 for the anchovy in natura and 6.7; 20.2 mg.100 g-1; 3.1 mg.100 g-1 for the pulp, respectively.
Acessibilidade geográfica à aten??o primária à saúde em distrito sanitário do município de Salvador, Bahia
Silva Júnior, Evanildo Souza da;Medina, Maria Guadalupe;Aquino, Rosana;Fonseca, Ana Carla Freitas;Vilasb?as, Ana Luiza Queiroz;
Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S1519-38292010000500005
Abstract: objectives: to assess the geographical accessibility of primary health care for the population served by the community health agents program (pacs) and the family health program (psf) in one sanitary district in the city of salvador, brazil. methods: a evaluative cross-sectional study was carried out. the data were collected using interviews with health workers from the eleven pacs and psf teams. analysis of the data took two factors into account: access of the population and the logic of territorialization. results: the district has a relatively rugged landscape and all the teams reported the existence of geographical barriers in the area, in particular steps and steep hills. there was no difference in accessibility between the pacs and the psf. the process of territorialization was unrelated to the concept of territory as a process. some areas covered by the teams were located some distance from the ubs and this constituted a significant obstacle to access. conclusions: the implantation of the pacs/psf strategy in the district and the model of territorialization were not in line with the principles that should guide primary health care, resulting in geographical restrictions on access for the population served. it is recommended that the current territorial design be reviewed to ensure that it is more line with psf guidelines and to enable better access to primary care.
Influence of Early Life Stress on Alcohol and Crack Dependents  [PDF]
Elton Brás Camargo Júnior, Maria Neyrian de Fátima Fernandes, Larissa Bessani Hidalgo Gimenez, Jaqueline Rodrigues Stefanini, Ana Carolina Guidorizzi Zanetti, E. C. da Silva Gherardi-Donato
Open Journal of Nursing (OJN) , 2020, DOI: 10.4236/ojn.2020.105034
Abstract: Background: Early life stress is a significant public health problem associated with increased rates of psychiatric disorders, especially those related to drug abuse. Objective: To identify the prevalence of early life stress in drug users, to compare the intensity of trauma in alcohol and crack users, and to relate the power of injury to the severity of drug dependence. Method: Cross-sectional analytical study with a sample of 105 alcohol and crack users treated by an outpatient service. The instruments for data collection were sociodemographic data questionnaire, the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview, and the Severity of Dependence Scale. The categorical variables association was analyzed using the Chi-squared test, considering p < 0.05 significance. ANOVA was used to verify the variance. To assess the difference between sociographic and dependent variables, we used the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Results: High prevalence of early stress and severity of dependence were identified, with higher rates among crack users. The early stress revealed in the Alcohol group high rates of emotional (88.7%) and physical (94.3%) neglect and in the Crack group significant frequency of physical (61.5%) emotional abuse (51.9%), sexual (46.2%), and emotional (78.8%) and physical (90.4%) neglect. Crack users are 2.6 times more likely to have been emotionally abused, and 2.1 times more likely to have been sexually abused during childhood when compared to the alcohol group. Conclusion: Early stress was prevalent with significant intensity in drug users, and evaluation of this problem is essential for a better understanding of these disorders.
Two Dibenzylbutyrolactol Derivatives and Other Chemical Constituents from Aristolochia peltato-deltoidea
Silva, Ana Paula Freitas da;Palmeira Júnior, Sebasti?o Ferreira;Conserva, Lucia Maria;Guilhon, Giselle Maria S. Pinheiro;
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society , 1999, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-50531999000200009
Abstract: the hexane extract from the aerial parts of aristolochia peltato-deltoidea hoehne (aristolochiaceae) afforded two new epimeric lignans of the type dibenzylbutyrolactol, rel-(8r, 8?s, 9s)-3,4-dimethoxy-3?,4?-methylenedioxy-9b-ethoxy- and rel-(8r, 8?s, 9r)-3,4-dimethoxy-3?,4?-methylenedioxy-9a-ethoxy-lignans-8.8?,9.o.9?, besides a benzofuran neolignan, known as eupomatenoid-7, a-tocopherylquinone, b-sitosterol and stigmasterol. from the chloroform extract were isolated two diastereomeric dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans: rel-(8r, 8?r)- and rel-(8r, 8?s)-3,4-dimethoxy-3?,4?-methylenedioxy-9-oxo-lignans-8.8?,9.o.9?. chemical composition analysis by gc/ms of the non polar fractions from the hexane extract was also carried out and ten components were identified. the structures of the isolated compounds were elucidated utilizing spectrometric methods.

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